Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wed. Was A Tough Day For Flying

After I crossed the Wenatchee Mountains yesterday it was like I was in a different can see by the pictures that the visibility was really bad. They were calling it 5 miles.....but I don't think so.

This makes for real stressful flying. If you click on the pictures you can enlarge them.

Picture # 1 see the huge plane in the bottom corner?? What is doing flying that close to me???

If you enlarge the picture you can see in the bottom right corner several parachutes....I think they are at the military base near by.
I was trying to get to Oceanside Oregon to eat some clam chowder but the coast was fogged in. There is a line of hill in that area that run along the ocean. The hills hold the fog in place, the 3rd picture is of the fog up against the hills.

I think it is interesting that in every area of the country I have flown thru, pilots have different weather they have to deal with.......this area is unique without a doubt.

A pilot today told me this stuff can hang around for days.....I sure hope not. Right now I can look out my motel door here in Creswell and even tho the ceiling in 1900 ft. the mts. to the west are in the clouds..

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