Sunday, September 7, 2008


This is my pilot friend Jim Hillabrand putting the first name on my cowling, every place I land I will have someone sign their name and airport.

Jim has a Bonanza and a Cessna 152. We were planning on a flight of 2 around the U.S. but he did not feel that either of his planes were up to the trip.......He needs a good dependable plane like a Cherokee for an endeavor like this.....

I am told that as I was lifting off for my adventure that he was talking to me in sign language.........

This is Jim,Cindy,Tannis and myself.....enjoying the moment.

6446R loaded....everything needed for the journey....
My son-in-law Matt showing off his beautiful bride of almost 1 year, Andrea.
I will drop Tannis off at Warsaw Mo. to visit with our friend, Patti Wilson. I will spend the night with them and head toward Iowa City Iowa.

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