I found out thru my Cherokee Chat friends that I could buy a new alternator [plane power] at Quality Aircraft in Tulsa.
So today I was in desperate need of an airplane ride to Tulsa to pick up my new alternator.
The only pilot friend that I could find who could fly me today was Don Williams [owner of Turkey Mountain Airpark].
I was so desperate to get to Tulsa that I decided to RISK MY LIFE in his Bonanza. For you non-pilots let me explain why I say that.
If you will look at the pictures below you will see a very funny looking tail section. A little history about why the tail is built like that. When Beech was designing this particular plane, they had a very tight budget. As with all planes they start at the front and build to the back. When they got to the tail of the Bonanza , they had run out of MONEY and MATERIAL.
They did not have enough material to build a rudder and elevator so they build what they call a ruddervator...........I am happy to say that a few years later Beech found some more funding and were about to buy materials for the newer models and build normal tail sections for them.
Taking the risk today paid off. Got my alternator and survived the trip in a Bonanza.